What are the most important things in a relationship?

Are the most important things in relationships really what we think they are?
Relationships last when you work hard to nurture them, one day I was sitting in a park to get some natural air and peace of mind and I saw an elderly couple in their 80’s, they were holding their hands and sitting in peace, for me, that was a perfect definition of love. What are the most important things in a relationship? We all try to make our relationship work but the problem is we don't really know how to make it work.
It's a modern dating era where you can find the perfect partner through Dating Websites but the problem is most of the young couples are unaware of the real ingredients required to establish a strong bond and long-lasting relationship. All relationships require love and attention, but that's not really enough to maintain a strong relationship, there are few more inputs you will require to put together. Below, the most important things in a relationship.
Communication is definitely one of the most important things in a relationship, it is a foundation of any relation, no relationship can sustain longer in absence of good communication. How to achieve good communication skills are as follows:
- Stop talking and start to listen more, listening is a primary ingredient of good communication skills.
- Be open and honest with your partner, it will help them to understand you better.
- Pay attention to body language and non-verbal signs of communication, it will help to understand your partner in a better way.
- Add humor to communication to keep in interesting

Self-love is not selfish; you can't truly love someone until you know how to love yourself.
How can you really share your love someone else if you can't really love yourself? Self-love is definitely one of the most important ingredients of a successful relationship. People who are kind and forgiving to themselves radiates the positive energy that helps in sustaining a happy relationship. Some of the benefits of self-love are:
- Part of loving yourself in doing what you really want, this allows you to get the more pleasing results.
- Your partner will love you for what you are.
- You become self-satisfied because you do things that you really like.
- You stop relying on others to be pampered.
Your relation is in a vulnerable state if you love your partner but not really respect them.
Having a deep sense of respect is one of the most critical ingredients of a healthy relationship, no relationship is perfect, no person is perfect but you need to respect your partner for what they truly are.
Lack of respect leads to cheating in a relationship and other ugly things. Love will fade away when you age, that time mutual respect is going to play a key role in maintaining a healthy relationship. Some of the ways to develop respect in a relationship are as follows:
- Learn to demonstrate trust in your partner will develop a sense of mutual respect.
- Being mindful about how you talk and what you talk to your partner will also help.
- Allow your partner to get some personal space to relax and self-care.
- Stay reliable to your partner, be someone on whom your partner can trust blindfolded.
- Learn to be on the same page with a partner, this allows to develop a unique partnership will your partner and improve the mutual respect.

No relationship is perfect, you will be required to forgive each other at many instances of life. After all, we all are a human being and we make mistake, allow your mind to forgive people. How exactly learn to forgive?
- You have to want to forgive someone, you have to acknowledge the fact that anger is going to damage your relation
- Remember, everyone is doing their best and no one is perfect. Making mistake is normal.
- Learn to meditate, it will help you get your mind in a calm and peaceful state.
- Try to imagine the situation in the same shoes.

Emotional Support
Once in a while, we all need emotional support, as a partner you need to develop the sensitivity to sense the need.
Stay more cautious about the change in behavioral pattern and ask them if everything is alright. These few gestures will improve the relationship bond.
Sharing interests and Celebrate Achievements
Sharing interests and celebrating the achievements can work in favor of improving the bond in a relationship. You can join yoga classes or gym class together if you are a fitness enthusiast or go for some music lessons, hike together, join couple dance classes, etc, finding mutual hobbies allows you to enjoy some quality time together.
Physical intimacy strengthens the bond between two people and encourages coziness, love, and respect between couples. Physical intimacy leads to the release of a hormone called “Oxytocin” which enhances trust and a stronger sense of companionship between couples. Here are some of the benefits of frequent physical intimacy in a relationship.
- Physical intimacy is an expression of love and affection, it elevates your mood and motivated you to work on strengthening of relationship.
- It helps in reducing stress which assists in better ability to forgive and respect.
- It improves the mutual understanding and makes you more sensitive towards partner’s needs.
- It keeps you mentally active and healthy, frequent intimacy is found to cure mild depression as well.

Just now we discussed the most important things in a relationship to share a strong bond, but things are definitely not going to come easily, you will be required to practice these qualities every day to bring that strength in your mutual bond.
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