Dating a Career Woman: What You Need to Know

Ever wondered why you cannot, or do not want to start dating a career woman? One who is smart, beautiful, sexy, funny, intelligent and earns a six-figure salary! So why can’t you reach her? Is there some problem with her attitude, or yours?
Not quite. Ambitious women just want to do something more in their lives rather than be the homely girl who takes care of the household chores. It is not that these women do not want a family life. But is it really hard to comprehend that women who want more from their lives have to spend time at work instead of the home?
Dating a Career Woman
Dating a career woman is different than other women you would come across. While you may meet women online, it is what you tell and what you do that is going to decide whether they would want to date you.
Unlike other women who may want you to shower compliments on them, career women don't.
Here’s the difference.
What you need to know - Top Tips
Women can compartmentalize identities just as well as men do. Women can maintain the strong, confident, dragon-slaying persona out there and still switch into the warm, nurturing one when at home. But this is assuming that men would need such a thing when they return from their own shenanigans from outside. Women get it; it’s not rocket science. However, like all things human, there are times when the compartments mix up. If it can happen to men, it can happen to women too.
Be down to earth
So, the first tip to you is to have realistic expectations or be ready to digest disappointments.
For most guys, the success story of women is the culprit. The moment you get the reveal that the woman you would like to date is a lawyer or a doctor, the turn-off hits you harder than a truck. Perhaps it is a prejudice that women in such careers would want to take charge of everything in your relationships.
Masculinity Issues
Contrary to widespread belief, not all successful women want to dominate and assert authority. Your masculinity is not being threatened! It’s just that these women are a bit more capable than your average expectations of that pretty one next door.
So leave that prejudice behind and look at these successful women as women! Your approach should be purely based on your instinct. And there’s your second tip.
Money Making Woman
The third part which might get you riled up, is that she makes more money than you. So what? That does not mean she won’t let you pamper her. There are a lot of women out there who get the kick out of letting the man pay for restaurant bills and movie tickets on dates, just as other women do.
Dating career women who you meet online is not a drag in any sense. They still have a little girl in them who needs caring for. That’s where you can step in to be the ‘man’. And do you know the best part? This is coming straight from a career-oriented woman’s perspective!
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