11 Common Misconceptions about Interracial Dating Sites

In today’s day and age, it is often said that people have hardly any fear of legal persecution if coming from different racial backgrounds. This, however, is not true as people all around the world still face many prejudices. Here are a few common misconception regarding interracial dating:
1) Interracial dating refers to relations between a black person and a white person only - It is quite baffling to read of this in today’s day and time, but some people simply do not acknowledge certain interracial/ multiracial couples. They end up mistaking them for a certain race or ethnicity.
2) Not a committed relationship - How and what commitment has to do with colour, I do not know. Commitment has a lot to do with maturity and compatibility of individuals. Colour? Not so much.
3) Racism “Love conquers all” people often say but can it conquer all when the ugly head of racism rears its head? Interracial dating sites take a strong stance against such racism by simply existing. However, the individuals must believe in it themselves for the purpose of it to succeed.
4) It does not only cater to straight men and women - Love is love, be it between man and woman, man and man, woman and woman etc. The kinds of gender in this world are plenty and so the relationships each wish to have differs according to what they want. Hence, it is important to clarify that interracial dating sites serve to cater one and all.
5) Admiration and Fetishization - The number of sexual stereotypes prevalent in the world of online dating is astounding. People often seek Asian women due to wrong notions of them being “freaks” in bed, they even go as far as to use terms such as ‘spicy Latin lover’. This is simply absurd and wrong at so many levels. To admire someone of a different race is acceptable. To impose sexual stereotypes on them? Not so much.
6) People dislike their race - People from other races don’t always date white people for status or to gain validation. There are a ton of factors at play here and if a coloured man wishes to date a white girl, it is ultimately his decision.
7) Opportunity to learn - As is the case with every relationship, with this too, you end up learning a lot --- about the person you’re dating as well as of the culture he stands for. Perhaps, in interracial dating, you both end up taking more from each other than other times.
8) It’s not a big deal - People often blow this out of proportion to a great deal. An Indian man dating a white girl isn’t a political statement that will result in war!
9) Sex isn’t all there is to it - This is where racial stereotyping comes in yet again, leading to people thinking that those who partake in interracial dating, do so for “experimenting”.
10) Morally and socially “unacceptable” - There is an inherent notion of interracial dating being wrong. This however, has changed for the better over the years.
11) Being treated differently - People often go out of their ways to make others feel insecure. Somewhere in the whole circle of life, people tend to forget that we’re all just human. Rip off the skin and you’ll see the same blood, the same muscles and the same bones. When faced with racism, it is best to be there for each other and assert yourselves as much as you can.
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