Online dating tips to help you get laid

There are plenty of online sites, services, and applications out there designed to help people meet and hook up with folks all over the world, but a lot of people are finding out that getting laid on these online dating services is nowhere near as simple or as straightforward as most of the commercials imply.
If you’re looking to take things to the next level, be sure to take advantage of the tips and tricks we offer you below and you should be hitting it out of the park much more frequently than you were before.
Lie about your looks
80% of your attractiveness is 100% within your own control (and that’s not just an Anchorman style joke).
We don’t necessarily mean you have to actually lie about your looks, but you definitely want to dress as good as you can, groom as well as you are able to, and get a haircut – and maybe even some professional photographer to snap the pictures that you will share on your dating profile page to help give you a big boost in the attractiveness area.
If you’re going to be judged almost entirely off of the first impression you make with your pictures online, you need to knock it out of the park. Avoid that game worn jersey that you throw on every Sunday when crushing beers with the guys, and spring for a look that you might not rock every day – but one that she will definitely be into.
Lie about your height and weight
Again, you need to make as rock solid a first impression as humanly possible – over the internet, before you even have the chance to meet in person – and there are going to be a lot of girls that prequalify guys based 100% off of they are height and their weight (even though you shouldn’t ever dream of doing the same thing to them if you want to have success getting laid online).
Unless you are between 6’2” and 6’5” you’re going to want to lie about your height, adding one or 2 inches to the mix while recognizing that most girls aren’t ever going to throw a tape measure on you on your first date.
It’s also a good idea to not drop your actual weight but instead describe yourself as athletic or, as most people that describe themselves as “average” are only going to be thought of as heavyset by the ladies on the web today.
Lie about how you make money
If you’re looking to get laid online, you’re going to need to pump yourself up more than a little bit to cut through the competition out there – and that means being as vague and noncommittal about how you make money as possible.
It’s always a lot better to say you work in finance rather than saying you are a bank teller, and it’s much better to say that you are an IT professional then telling people that you work at the Geek Squad for your local electronics department store.
Take advantage of these tips and tricks and you should be able to hit the ground running when it comes to getting laid online!
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