Why Do People Treat Interracial Dating Differently?

Some people have been raised to have racist viewpoints. In general, when you find someone who disapproves of interracial dating, they have been conditioned to feel this way. It's unfortunate, but a fact of life. However, when it comes to interracial dating, it's important to see the glass as half-full, rather than half-empty. Overall, society has made great strides towards acceptance and inclusiveness. This means that more people than ever approve of interracial dating. While there will always be those who judge couples who date differently (by choosing partners of other races), the world is becoming more progressive. It's becoming kinder. This is definitely a good thing!
When it comes to dealing with people who aren't accepting of your interracial dating, you should stand firm. You're doing nothing wrong. The people who disapprove are in the wrong. No matter why they disapprove, they are trying to stand in the way of love and love is never wrong. If you love a partner of another race, keep loving that person. It doesn't matter what people say. However, we don't think that you should be shy about expressing your disapproval if someone makes a negative comment about your relationship. Letting the person know that you're happy and that your partner is happy should be sufficient. You don't need to sink to the level of someone who is willing to share a racist viewpoint in public or private. Racism is ugly and that's all that there is to it!
Religion May Be a Factor
In some cases, people disapprove of interracial dating because partners in these relationships may have different faiths. For example, one partner may be Christian and the other may be Muslim. People who are religious tend to feel that their religion is the only right one. For example, if your grandmother is a Christian and she disapproves of your Muslim partner of another race, she may feel that she's doing God's work by voicing her disapproval. When religion comes into the mix, the person who disapproves may have a very stubborn viewpoint about things.
You don't need to get angry about this type of disapproval. Simply let the disapproving person know that you respect all faiths and that your partner respects your faith. You do not owe the world long explanations about how you live. Others have their beliefs and it's not your job to change their minds, although you may want to try.
A Happy Life Is the Best Revenge
Happiness is the best revenge. Love your interracial partner. Be proud of him or her. Include him or her in family events and social events. Make sure that everyone understands that disrespecting your relationship is unacceptable. In time, your partner may become very familiar to the people who disapprove and their disapproval may weaken. This is often the case. If it doesn't, at least you tried. You definitely don't deserve to be treated differently because you have a partner of another race. However, you'll need to be patient and realistic. There are racists out there and there always will be.
So, hang in there, try to keep perspective, and just be grateful that you weren't raised to look down on people of different races.
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