Is interracial dating on the rise in 2018

Interracial dating has been gaining massive popularity over the years. There are several factors which can be credited to this. People have always associated this rise with the Loving vs. Virginia Supreme court ruling of 1967.
Back then, interracial couples used to have it rough. Jail terms, being denied the right to marry, isolation… the list is endless. Blacks and whites were forbidden to marry. However, this infamous couple (not so famous then) had the guts to fight the state of Virginia for their right to marry whoever one wants. Hence the Supreme court ruling which gave people that right.
Now, after that, more states accepted interracial couples’ right to marry. As much some societies were still seeing it as morally wrong, legally, they have that state-given right to love. Those that were keeping things hidden started coming out in the limelight as interracial couples. And people began seeing a huge rise in mixed race dating.
Factors that have led to the rise of mixed race dating in 2018
Let’s have a look at some factors that led to the increase of mixed dating in 2018
- 1. Meet online
- 2. Immigration and globalization
Much as we still give credit to the Lovings, we can’t ignore the fact that the surge in online dating sites has played a huge role in the rise and spreading of interracial relationships. The advancement has done it. Smartphones and accessibility of the internet have made it easier for people to connect the world over!
Now, some of the best interracial dating sites get most of the credit as they are geared for that niche market of peoples who want to date despite race. Like-minded individuals are converged.
Now, don’t forget, most of these sites international memberships. So if you have a particular racial preference, you can even widen their search to include countries and continents where there are large numbers of the race of your potential mate.
There are very many immigrants from various countries who traverse different continents in search of better lives and trade. In the US, immigration laws have become less stringent.
Races are mixing at work, in neighborhoods and at trading places. So, people are finding themselves mingling all the time.
At the universities, for instance, there is high racial diversity. And this is where most romantic relationships sprout. And the openness that these people have to try new things! Dating interracially is one of them. They are so determined that they are the ones who have the guts to get their parents on board.
It is no longer a black and white affair

This spread of mixed dating has brought about diversity in the combinations of interracial couples. In earlier days, the term interracial meant black and white couples. Plus, then, most interracial couples seemed to be black and white. Today, because of immigration and interracial sites, things have become more diverse.
Asian-black. Latino black. Asian Latino. The possibilities are endless.
The rise of mixed race individuals has even made the classification quite complex. With mixed individuals dating interracially, you can't just decide to leave out one race just for a mere classification!
The acceptance is much greater!
According to a recent study by YouGov, a whopping 87% of Americans feel interracial marriage is morally acceptable. It's 2018. And people are learning to live and coexist with mixed couples in the society.
Before, people would forsake interracial dating for family and marry within their own race. But now, even our parents are accepting the fact that their children have the right to choose whom they love.
The millennial generation is more open to mixed dating as they have the privilege of mingling and learning within diversity. They understand that they have more in common than not.
And this generation is changing their parents’ thinking. Even defying them. Proving that love is more than skin deep and that it lasts. More are on the “beyond skin color” train.
It’s the melting pot babe!
In 2018, we count ourselves very lucky that things are now easier for interracial couples. People are coexisting much better.
I am very pleased with the progress that we have made over the years. We are freer to love whomever we want. The reason why one dates interracially should NOT be anyone’s business.
As years go by, we are truly becoming the melting pot we claim to be. Long live interracial dating!
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