Single dad dating red flags - Should you be worried?

If you have been out there and dating actively online, chances are that you will meet a single dad dating in the online dating sites. In this age where almost half of the marriages end up in a divorce, single dads flock online to help them meet the perfect partner.
Dating a single dad might be ideal for you as he has gone through challenges and maybe has gone through it successfully. Yet, do not move too fast yet to meet this single dad dating. Take a pause and learn about the red flags in meeting the single dad which might help you to re-assess your strategy and make your dating life (and his life) much better:
Is dating that single dad ideal?

Before getting involved deeply, stop awhile and rethink. You need to be sure that you are up to it. In the height of your flirtatious exchanges, it is easy for you to say that you really love kids. Do a reality check and reach down inside of you if you really want to have kids and even take care of his kids. Are you willing to be sharing your life with this man who has a forever obligation to his children? If yes, then fine. If this does not sit well with you, then take a step back and re-evaluate what you have now. Another consideration is the number of children. If your date has four or more kids, will it be fine with you? These are the realities that you have to look into before being deeply involved with the single dad dating. This will save you for future heartaches later when you will be moving on to another level in your relationship.
He is a total package with an ex
A single dad bears with him his kids and of course, his ex. Co-parenting is the usual consequence of an uncoupling but it has with it its own challenges and difficulties. A helpful and friendly ex can surely make things easy on your relationship. But what if the ex is difficult to deal with? This will strain your relationship and put a lot of stress on your date. You should also think that this ex will be sharing her life with the children for a long time. If you are worried and do not want to go through all the drama, then you might as well end the date early. If you are up to it, then a little bit of tolerance to the difficult ex will be easier for you. Just think what this single dad dating has gone through and what he can offer to your future long-term relationship because of what he has gone through in the relationship.
He is sensitive but may have other priorities

Who does not want a sensitive man? What about a compassionate man? Everyone in Eve’s kingdom wants one. He is and his being a dad to such adorable kids will prove. But most of the time, his hands are full in taking care of the kids and dealing with tons of things. Let’s face it, he will prioritize his kids over you at most times and you should respect him for this. However, if you do not want to have someone or something taking up most of the time of your man, then it’s time to rethink if you will pursue the date.
He may not be emotionally ready yet
This really smells like a rebound, so please avoid it. Your future man might still be reeling from the travails of the past relationship or that he is convinced that he does not need an intense relationship right now. At this point, he may not be ready for you. His immediate need might be focused on meeting his physical needs but for a long-term relationship, maybe not. So, take it slow - if you force it, it is doomed to fail. If you are totally into this guy, you can be there as a friend for the meantime. Wait for him to heal appropriately and master his new role as a dad and as a co-parent. Give him time to be whole again emotionally and only then he can think of a new and intense relationship.
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