5 ways to subtly avoid 'players'

A player is a man who plays with the emotions of women. He does this by being in a relationship with lots of women at the same time. With this, there is really no commitment to have a serious relationship. This is a problem for those who are trying to finding the perfect man to date but end up dating a player instead.
The problem with players is that at most times, the starry-eyed and lovelorn searcher cannot distinguish if she has been played for a fool. In reality, it is difficult to sense who is a player or not. People can easily take up a persona and hide these intentions just to fool somebody. For all the care that you give, who knows that you might already be dating a player.
As an online dater who is serious in looking for love, you need to subtly filter those who want to interact with you to sift through the real daters and the play through the real daters and the players.
Know what you want
When you don’t know what you want, the tendency for you is to be played. You should go out there and let everyone know what you want in a man, what you want in a relationship. In this manner, you can the potential player will have a hard time playing you for a fool.
There are inconsistencies in his messages
Look closely at how the player talks to you and the messages that he is sending. Players will have difficulty keeping up with being true and consistent. If he seems to be agreeing with everything you say, then there is a chance that this is a ploy to totally when you over and manipulate you. Other players are also very secretive that they will not divulge lots of personal matters about themselves to you. They seem to hold back which is understandable since your relationship is not expected to last that long.
He can’t keep his focus on you

When your partner seems to be more interested in another woman than you then you may have a player. If you will observe him closely, he cannot keep his eyes from looking at attractive women. His gaze lingers more than usual to other women rather than focusing on you. Players do not seem to be that interested in you since they know that this is really not part of their long-term plan.
His circle of friends doesn’t add up
If you will closely look into his so-called friends, most of them are merely acquaintances and not really close friends whom he has a significant relationship with. Another blatant sign is that he seems to have a lot of girl friends or acquaintances.
You seemed to be invisible in his life
When you are in a serious relationship, your world tends to revolve around your partner. You look for ways to involve this partner in everything that you do. This is opposite with a player. You have that sense that he has been keeping something mysterious for himself. You cannot locate him at most important times, and he has lots of excuses. It is hard for him to be spontaneous. You may find that his time with you is well – planned and well calculated that any unplanned events with him seemed to be non – existent. Thus, in the long run you feel that you are still by yourself and all alone.
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