Dating Tips from Men to Women

Men can be hard to understand especially when you are dating them. They act and react differently to the point that women will definitely need some men dating tips. The man you're looking for may be the one right in front of you. But how can you keep him without doing something that will turn him off? Luckily, some men are willing to help women understand men more. Here are some men dating tips from their perspectives.

Do Not Include Us In Your Social Media Life
If you are the type of woman who treats your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media apps like a diary that you update more than twice a day, please do not include us. This is definitely a must if we are just beginning on our dating relationship. We like it more if we do not know what the woman we just met is up to at the moment. A sense of privacy from a woman draws us near. We would prefer to know things about you from you personally and not from your online timeline.
Do Not Give Your All On The First Date
Although we may like a woman who is not shy around us on the first date, still, keep it controlled. We find it weird if our date gets drunk on our first date and tells us things about her that are just uncomfortable. Moreover, we find it quite repulsive if our date invited us to her place and stay for the night unless we just wanted a mere hook-up. We will think that you always do this to every guy you date. We’ll also think that you are an easy-to-get girl. Remember that we, men, like a little challenge.
Do Not Contact Us Every Day
Please, please, please do not contact us every time you can. We think women who do this are desperate ones. We don’t want that. Like what we said earlier, we like a little challenge. We will think that you have already revolved your world entirely around us. So most likely, we’ll take you for granted and you would not want that. Please wait for us to make the first move and be a little coy.
Do Not Demand Commitment
Commitment for us, men, is the scariest thing you can ever ask for us. So please do not demand it. Instead, wait for us to initiate it. We may not notice it but we get really territorial on a woman if we really like her and we really want to be with her. We do not like to share you with any other guy. So pay attention to the signs we give. If we act like we are committed then that is when you can also commit to us.
Honestly, men are not that complicated to understand. In fact, if there is something you do not understand about them, you can ask them straight. It is important in a budding relationship to have strong communication. So, start by talking everything through and just enjoy each other’s company.
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