7 ideas on how to ask a girl out

If you are new to the dating scene, or you are a bit shy, you might be wondering how to ask a girl out. Now, all women are not the same. So one pickup line won't work for all of them. At the same time, it all depends on the type of relationship you have. Is she a friend? Is she a stranger? The dating scene is full of women. That said, most men still flake when it comes to approaching women. Below are some ideas you can apply to your dating life.
How to ask a woman out

1. Asking out a girl you met on an online dating site
The easiest way to meet women is through dating sites. But first, you have to start somewhere - the Conversation. Once you get it moving, the only answer on how to ask a girl out is to ask. The sooner you do it; the sooner you'll know whether she wants something more. Then again, don't ask her too soon lest you come off as a creepy dude
>Look at the signs that she is into you. Is she talking about important and sensitive about her life? Is she showing her vulnerability by sharing say fears about her job? If she is then it shows she trusts you enough to share. If she says you are the funniest guy she has ever met, ask her already.
Keep it simple and be bold. Asking her out displays confidence as opposed to hiding behind the computer for weeks. Don't be cheesy about it. A simple "We have been talking for a while now. I would be honored to take you out on a real date". If she agrees, then ask her when she is free. In case you suggest a date then she says she is busy and doesn't suggest an alternative date, she isn't that into you.
2. Asking out a girl you met in a discussion forum or public chatroom
The good thing about discussion forums is the ability to be able to know if someone is the best fit by picking their brain. Before asking her out, keep mentioning her name in the discussion so that she can be aware that she has piqued your interest. One way to know whether she likes you if she ignores the rest and keeps having the discussion with you.
Don't hesitate. Show her you are interested and available by hitting her privately. Before making your move, coin your message and tell her you like the way she thinks and would like to have a one-on-one conversation with her offline.

3. Asking out a girl on a dating app
Dating apps are proving to be the easiest way one can find a date within their area fast! Put your best foot forward. You need to be direct. If you are to have fun, ask the kind of woman out that you would normally date.
4. How to ask a girl out on shared interests online group.
There are various groups online where people with shared interests can interact and discuss. That already is a plus for you. You already have something in common to help you break the ice. Whether it's on Facebook or any other social media platforms, lead with the shared interest. Be a little flirty and offer to meet up somewhere related to the subject at hand and see whether it can lead to some future romance.
5. Asking out a friend of a friend on social media
Facebook presents a great way to break the ice. This makes it easier because all you got to do is reply directly to the lady's comment. The good thing about asking out a friend of a friend is; you can use your friend to put it a good word for you. At the same time, you get to know whether you have a chance with her based on the info your pal provides. Plus, if she is single, chances of her agreeing to meet you are higher since it feels safer.
6. Asking out an acquaintance
This is probably the easiest idea since you probably already have her number or email address. Just be direct. Text them or chat on WhatsApp. You can start with some small talk then if she seems single and available, let her know that you are interested in knowing her better. Ask them if they would like to join you for drinks or coffee date.

7. Asking a woman out at a bar
Chances are, when you met you were partying ways, you were probably drunk. But you exchanged numbers and you want to see her again. The fact that you have her number is a plus. She wants more. So call, her, tell her you had a wonderful night and that you would like to take her on a proper date.
The key is, no matter where you meet a woman you like the trick on how to ask a girl out is not to be too nervous about it. What's the worst that can happen? She will say "No" and then you move on to the next. Rejection isn't a death sentence. So get over that fear. You are better off asking sooner so you can know sooner whether there is something there or not.
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