Asian Dating: What's it like dating an Asian single in 2018?

Asian dating has been on the rise just like the rise in interracial dating. And according to the Census Bureau Data in 2010, Asian-white couples accounted for 14% of intermarriages in America. Looking deeper into this, Asian women seem to be doing better than their male counterparts.
Well, that was 2010.
So how is the Asian dating scene like in 2018?
Today we are seeing the number of interracial dating sites for Asian singles increase. Plus, we are also seeing a rise in Asian online dating sites. These make it easier for those who specifically want to date Asians to find them easily.
Are Asian stereotypes still affecting their dating lives?
When it comes to Asian dating, studies have shown that Asian men have a difficult time when dating online. This could be tied to the stereotypes that people hold. Asian women haven’t escaped this either. Much as they are doing better when it comes to dating interracially, there is the always the question that lingers in their minds: ‘Is it just a fetish, or is he really that into me?’
The thing that other races mess with especially on online dating sites, is leading with lines like: “I like ethnic girls” or “Your name is so exotic”. This is a major turn-off for most Asians. Much as such comments may be coming from a good point, they can be offensive to the recipient. It feels like one just wants the exotic bit of you and aren’t interested in knowing you as a person.
Quashing the stereotypes

All is not lost though. People are now quashing the stereotypes and are proving that Asian men are just as good as men of all other races. People are now appreciating the beauty that lies within when you get to know someone on a personal level.
The phrase “I only date Asian guys” came to light when a playboy model, Holly Wolf, said it. Plus, to add on to that, she finds Asian men hot and masculine. The moment she started dating Asian men in college, she never went back.
More Asians are now realizing that they can’t peg their dating choices on people’s perceptions about their race. It’s not about the looks or what people think you are. It’s all about meeting the right person you can connect with on deeper level.
And that is why we have the likes of JT Tran who is an Asian dating coach. His main aim is to restore the confidence of Asian men in the dating world. And he has proven it. See, the light bulb hit him when he realized, it’s not that the women didn’t want him. He realized that he was the problem. He had been living the stereotypes purported by society.
Moving past the stereotypes of Asian dating
The thing is, much as there is the fetishization of Asian women, it is a bit of a gray area when dating is concerned. If it’s porn and someone only watches Asian porn or in the case call girls then someone always asks for an Asian girl, then we can call that a fetish.
Most Asian Americans now understand that people have preferences. If someone likes only Asians guys, more often than not, it’s because they are attracted to their physical features.
In the past, the media portrayed the Asian woman as submissive. But I am glad that all this is changing. Today, we are seeing them in movies and TV series’ as strong and independent women who are free to do whatever, whenever. Take the example of actress Constance Wu in “Fresh Off the Boat”! Even the husband was scared of her guts.
Now, the kicker is that students are doing much better when it comes to Asian interracial dating. They are moving out of their comfort zones. They are go-getters.
Yes, there may be instances where some people have found interracial dating difficult. Well, I believe this is something that can happen even to the prettiest people. So you cannot call every rejection discrimination. All you need to do is dust yourself and move on to the next.
The role of interracial dating websites

I am glad about the role that interracial dating sites play when it comes to Asian interracial romances. It is easier because, on such sites, you can be able to single out the men and women who want to date Asians. That way, when approaching someone, you exactly know that they want to be with someone of your race. So, the rejection in such a scenario is purely because they didn’t feel you.
So, for Asian men, it has made them a bit more confident knowing that people actually want to date them.
Asian culture and interracial dating
See, it all depends on where you were born. Parents will always have expectations. It’s always easier when you bring home someone they can relate to. And this applies to all cultures. That said though, those who have been born in America are more open when their kids bring home someone from a different race. Plus, I am sure their own dating experiences in college play a role.
In conclusion, like all other interracial relationships, the Asian dating scene has improved for the better.
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